Approved 2025-26 School Year Calendar

GSSD has received approval from the Ministry for our 2025-26 School Year Calendar. Detailed grade and term-specific calendars will be provided upon development.
GSSD School Calendar 2025-2026
Please see the below details that are tentatively in place for the 2025-2026 school year:
- Opening day of classes - September 2, 2024
- School Holidays & Inservice Days (fall) - October 13 & 14, November 10 & 11, 2025
- Christmas Break - December 22, 2025 - January 5, 2026
- Semester Turn-Around - Friday, January 30, 2026
- February Break - February 16-20, 2026
- School Holidays & Inservice Days (Spring) - May 18 & 19, 2026
- Easter Break - April 3-10, 2026
- Final Day of Classes - June 25, 2026
Defined Requirements of School Year Calendars:
The Saskatchewan Education Act requires the following:
- A minimum of 950 hours of instructional time per year.
- In accordance with subsection 163(5) of The Education Act, 1995, the first instructional day for all schools across the province is set for September 3, 2024.
- Six weeks of summer vacation.
- Christmas break that begins no later than December 23 and ends not sooner than January 2.
- A Spring break with no more than 5 consecutive days.
Thank you!