Good Spirit School Division is pleased to partner with Big Brothers, Big Sisters to provide opportunities for our students. We support both in-school mentoring and after school mentoring in Yorkton and surrounding communities. For more information about the benefits of mentoring, please read The Mentoring Effect on Education. And, there are more resources to explore on the Big Brothers, Big Sisters website.
Available Programs
"Club Connect is an exciting group mentoring program being offered through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and Area for children in grades 6-7 from Esterhazy. The goal of Club Connect is to provide children with social integration, develop friendships, learn about Saskatchewan and Esterhazy, and gain knowledge of popular sports and Canadian lifestyle.
The following topics will be discussed: identity, our community, their neighborhood (during this lesson we will be leaving the school to walk through the neighborhood), Canadian food, sports, health, art and multiculturalism.
Check here for more information: Club Connect

Engaging Young Leaders was developed by STOPS to Violence (STOPS), Yorkton Tribal Council (YTC) and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Youth ages 15-21 are encouraged to participate to develop skills and abilities necessary to be a Mentor.
This program is held once a month in a north and south location, on and off reserve. Participants meet for a learning day focused around self-development activities.
GSSD students from Esterhazy and Langenburg attended an Engaging Young Leaders session in Kahkewistahaw on October 24, 2017. Child and Youth Advocate, Corey O’Soup was a guest presenter sharing stories of his childhood and encouragement for all youth.
Mentors play a huge role in the success of our students. Equally important are the benefits the mentor receives. Learn more about mentoring with this document: Mentoring Why Now?