The Division strives to ensure that each student and staff member is provided with a safe environment. The Board is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in schools where students, staff, parents and others feel safe. View Administrative Procedure 165 for further details on protocols in place for responding to immediate risks within a building, student threatening behaviours and traumatic events. Administrative Procedure 165 Appendix C provides an overview of how specific incidences are to be handled if they should occur in any of our schools.
As part of a community approach, the division is proud to play a part in the Community Threat Assessment and Support Protocol. This important document was re-signed in March 2023, along with many other community partners including Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division, as a commitment to making our schools and community a safe place to live and raise our families. At start of school every fall, a Fair Notice Letter is shared with all families to indicate our continued unwavering commitment to working with community partners.
GSSD also has an annual Child Protection Parent Fair Notice Letter.

Anna Howard, a Grade 10 student at Norquay School, submitted the following to the Ministry of Education Student First blog after attending an anti-bullying workshop in November, 2014... "I had an amazing time at the Student First Anti-Bullying Forum! From the moment I walked in I felt this amazing sense of community. It felt like all the students who came have the upmost desire to be there and to help put a stop to bullying! With such great speakers it was really hard not to get inspired. They gave us a solid base to start forming our Code of Conduct for all students. Which is basically what our groups believed should be the way we act towards others. After being introduced to the Blue String Movement we were told to come up with a way to try and spread this movement province wide or maybe even further. As well as giving everyone great ideas on how to stop bullying it also gave us a chance to get into smaller groups and form closer bonds and make some new friends along the way! It was a wonderful experience and I would do it again in a heart beat. I will definitely bring all that I've learned back to my school and community and share all I've learned to try and make Norquay an even better place to be!!" Awesome observations Anna ... we are very proud of you for representing our division so strongly!
One of our value statements is "WE BELONG". Work in the area of anti-bullying is a direct connection to our goal of providing a safe learning environment for staff and students. Every day is anti-bullying day in Good Spirit SD and we are working to address issues through such initiatives as the Comprehensive School Community Health approach.
For further information, contact Shaune Beatty, Superintendent of School Operations, at the Administration Office, at 306-786-5500 or email