Featured Students

​The Good Spirit School Division has a long-standing Motto – “Students Come First”. The Board has recognized that our primary business involves educating, supporting, and growing outstanding students and individuals. Part of this process is recognizing excellence in student achievement. School staff are encouraged to nominate feature student artists, athletes, leaders, mentors, scholars, and writers. ​


March 2025

Brayden is a Grade 12 student at Esterhazy High School. His strengths include his endearing personality, encouraging manner, and friendliness!

Click here to read the full article.


Abbey is a student at Esterhazy High School, and is known for her drive, enthusiasm, and passion for improving her school and community!

Click here to read the full article.


Emsley Vaughan and Ava Zawislak are students at M.C. Knoll School. On Valentine's Day, they took time our of their day to write personalized notes for each staff member at the school.

Click here to read the full article.


Makayla Bone is a student at M.C. Knoll who has distinguished herself as a leader in her school community, known for her respectful treatment of others.

Click here to read the full article.