The Administrative Procedures Manual is designed to be the primary written source of administrative direction for the division. It is designed to be entirely consistent with the Board Policy Handbook, and is an extension of policy in the form of procedures. This manual may make further reference to other detailed administrative documents that have been developed to provide specific guidelines on selected matters.
There are five categories in which administrative procedures are placed in the manual (see below). Procedures placed in the 100 section are those of a general administrative nature or those which have applicability to at least two other categories in the manual. The procedures in 200, 300, and 400 are specific to each of the titles. The Business Administration procedures include finance, facilities and student transportation matters.
Check out our "Featured Administrative Procedures" page where we breakdown a variety of procedures!
- 100 Strategic Plan (Updated June 2023)
- 100 Appendix Enterprise Risk Management (NEW March 2022)
- 101 Annual Reports (Updated October 2022)
- 102 School Level Planning and Reporting (Updated November 2021)
- 103 School Viability (Updated February 2016)
- 110 School Community Councils (Updated June 2016)
- 120 Policy and Procedures Dissemination (Reviewed August 2015)
- 121 Review of Administrative Procedures (Updated January 2016)
- 121-AppA Administrative Procedures Review Process (updated February 2018)
- 121-AppB Standardized Administrative Procedures Template (December 2015)
- 130 School Year Calendar (Updated August 2017)
- 131 Emergency Closing of Schools (Updated June 2016)
- 140 Responsible Use of Technology (Updated February 2025)
- 141 Software Licenses (Updated June 2016)
- 142 Cell Phone Access and Usage (Updated October 2021)
- 143 Social Media (Updated January 2024)
- 143-1 Social Media Site Approval Form
- 150 Media Relations (Updated June 2016)
- 151 Parent, Staff and Students Inquiries or Concerns (Updated January 2025)
- 152 Public Solicitation In_Through the Schools (Reviewed August 2015)
- 153 Elections (Updated November 2020)
- 155 Event Protocol Guidelines (Reviewed August 2015)
- 156 Visit Protocol (Reviewed August 2015)
- 157 Visual Identity Program (Updated January 2021)
- 157 Appendix School Letterhead (NEW January 2021)
- 160 Health And Safety (Updated June 2023)
- 160 Appendix Universal Precautions
- 161 Communicable Disease (Updated September 2021)
- 162 Tobacco and Vaping (October 2020)
- 162 Appendix Tobacco and Vaping Flowchart (NEW October 2020)
- 165 Safe Schools (Updated November 2021)
- 165 Safe Schools 2024-25 Fair Notice Letter
- 165 Appendix A Crisis Response Guide (Updated November 2021)
- 165 Appendix B Traumatic Events Response Guide (Updated November 2021)
- 165 Appendix C Violent Threat Risk Assessment (Updated November 2021)
- 165-1 School TERT Membership Form
- 165-2 Stage 1 VTRA Report Form
- 165-3 Threat Call Checklist
- 165-4 Threat Assessment Notification
- 170 Personal, Discriminatory and Sexual Harassment (Updated September 2011)
- 170-1 Complaint Investigation Statement Information Form (updated August 2017)
- 175 Workplace Violence (Updated May 2023)
- 180 Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Reviewed August 2015)
- 181 Video Surveillance (Updated April 2018)
- 185 Preservation and Disposal of Records (Updated August 2017)
- 185-2 Application for Approval for Disposal of Records (September 2017)
- 190 Copyright (Updated February 2025)
- 191 Education Continuity Management and Emergency Response Planning (August 2017)
- 200 Organization for Instruction (Updated January 2024)
- 201 Curriculum (Updated April 2024)
- 202 Final Exams and Assessments (Updated November 2022)
- 204 English As An Additional Language (New February 2025)
- 205 Citizenship Education (Updated June 2024)
- 206 Opening Exercises (Updated March 2022)
- 208 Community Perceptions and Norms: Controversial Issues (Updated November 2023)
- 208 Appendix A Parental Request For Exemption From Instruction (Updated August 2023)
- 208 Appendix B Parent Letter Regarding Health Education (NEW October 2023)
- 210 Early Intervention Placement Programs (Updated June 2016)
- 211 Students With Intensive Needs (Updated March 2021)
- 211-1 Decline of Services Interventions or Programming Documentation Form (March 2021)
- 212 Prekindergarten (Updated November 2021)
- 212-2 PreK Selection June 2021
- 212-3 Parent Transportation Reimbursement Form
- 213 Kindergarten (Updated August 2017)
- 214 Driver Education (Updated December 2015)
- 215 Physical Education Program - Safety Guidelines (June 2018)
- 215-1 High Risk Activities (June 2018)
- 215-App Physical Activity Safety Manual (July 2024)
- 216 Instrumental Music Education (April 2007)
- 218 Secondary Student Credit Requirements (Updated April 2024)
- 219 Course Challenge (Updated February 2025)
- 220 Additional Education Program - Alternative Education (Updated October 2023)
- 220-1 Parent Acknowledgment of Enrollment in an Alternative Education Program (Updated October 2023)
- 220-2 Student Acknowledgement Of Enrollment In An Alternative Education Program (Updated October 2023)
- 221 Locally Modified Basic Courses (updated October 2023)
- 221-1 Parent/Caregiver Acknowledgement Of Enrollment In A Locally Modified Course(s) (Updated October 2023)
- 221-2 Student Acknowledgement Of Enrollment In Locally Modified Course(s) (Updated October 2023)
- 222 Assistive Technology for Intensive Needs Students (Updated August 2015)
- 222-1 Assistive Technology Lending Agreement (Updated Jan 2025)
- 224 Functionally Integrated Services (NEW June 2018)
- 224-1 Acknowledgement of Enrollment in a Functionally Integrated Program
- 225 Smudging (Updated February 2022)
- 226 Engagement of First Nations and Métis Elders, Traditional Knowledge Keepers, and Elders' Helpers (NEW June 2024)
- 226-Appendix A Expense Voucher - Elders and Knowledge Keepers' Program (NEW June 2024)
- 230 Home Based Education (Updated June 2024)
- 231 Home-Bound Education (Updated June 2017)
- 232 Hutterite Education (Updated June 2017)
- 233 Preschool and Parent Education Program (PPEP) (June 2019)
- 233-1 Preschool and Parent Education Program Application Form (Revised June 2019)
- 233-2 Preschool and Parent Education Selection Process Form (Updated June 2019)
- 240 Distance Learning (Updated July 2024)
- 250 Work-Based Learning Programs (May 2024)
- 250-1 Work-Based Learning Agreement Form (May 2024)
- 250-2 Work-Based Learning Agreement and Consent Form (May 2024)
- 250-3 Pre-Placement Visit Form (May 2024)
- 250-4 Work-Based Learning Employer Students Performance Evaluation (May 2024)
- 250-5 Student Information Form (May 2024)
- 251 Apprenticeship Credits (September 2024)
- 251-1 Apprenticeship Credit Proposal Template Form (May 2024)
- 251-2 Apprenticeship Roles and Responsibilities (May 2024)
- 251-3 Apprenticeship Credit Student Log Sheet (May 2024)
- 251-4 Apprenticeship Credits Supervising Teacher Monitoring Checklist (May 2024)
- 251-5 Teacher Supervisor and Employer Evaluation of Student (May 2024)
- 251-6 Student Apprenticeship Exit Interview (May 2024)
- 252 Volunteerism Credit (May 2024)
- 252-1 Volunteerism Roles and Responsibilities (May 2024)
- 252-2 Ineligible Volunteerism Activities (May 2024)
- 252-3 Volunteerism Questions and Answers (May 2024)
- 252-4 Volunteerism 30 Plan (May 2024)
- 252-5 Volunteerism 30L Credit Student Log (May 2024)
- 253 Special Project Credit (updated September 2024)
- 253-1 Special Credit Project Proposal Template Form
- 253-2 Special Project Roles and Responsibilities (New February 2024)
- 253-3 Characteristics of Effective Special Project Credits (New February 2024)
- 253-4 Special Project Daily Log (New February 2024)
- 254 Dual Credit (May 2024)
- 254-1 Lifeguard 30L Dual Credit Form (May 2024)
- 260 Extra Curricular Activities (Updated September 2019)
- 260 Appendix Extra-Curricular Activities - Approval Guidelines (September 2019)
- 261 Educational Field Trips (Updated June 2024)
- 261-1 Category A and B In-Province and Out-Of-Province Field Trip Request (Updated October 2024)
- 261-2 Category C Out of Country Extended Field Trip Form (Updated June 2024)
- 261-3 Sweat Lodge Consent Waiver (NEW January 2025)
- 270 Selection and Development of Learning Resources (updated April 2024)
- 270-1 Resource For Review
- 272 School Libraries (November 2022)
- 281 Assessment and Reporting (Updated January 2024)
- 290 Research Studies and Surveys (Updated June 2016)
- 295 Interns and Field Experiences (Updated September 2017)
- 300 Admission of Students to Schools (Updated November 2022)
- 301 Non-Resident Students (Updated October 2020)
- 301-1 Non-Resident Student Application Form
- 303 Air Quality Guidelines (NEW May 2024)
- 304 Menstrual Products (NEW March 2022)
- 305 School Attendance Areas (February 2023)
- 307 Safety of Student Arrival (November 2021)
- 308 Indoor Recess Noon Hour (February 2023)
- 308 Appendix A Wind Chill Calculation Chart (NEW February 2023)
- 309 Potentially Life Threatening Conditions (NEW September 2021)
- 310 Student Safety and Supervision (Updated October 2018)
- 311 Fire Safety (Updated November 2022)
- 313 School Safety Patrols (Updated June 2016)
- 314 Health Services (Updated December 2015)
- 315 Illness/Injuries at School (Updated December 2015)
- 316 Administration of Medication to Students (Updated December 2021
- 316-1 Medication Permission Form
- 316-2 Medications Log
- 316-3 Student Medical Instructions and Procedures
- 316-4 Employee Consent to Administer Prescription Medication
- 318 Pediculosis (Head Lice) (Updated June 2017)
- 318 App A Letter for Parents/Guardians in a Classroom with a Confirmed Case of Head Lice
- 318 App B Letter For a Suspected Case Of Head Lice
- 319 Gender and Sexual Diversity (Updated October 2023)
- 319-1 Authority For Use Of Preferred Name Or Pronouns (Updated October 2023)
- 319 Appendix Gender and Sexual Diversity Definitions (New January 2023)
- 320 Student Records (Updated October 2024)
- 321 Young Offender Information Sharing (Updated August 2017)
- 330 Child Abuse (Reviewed April 2020)
- 330 Appendix Child Protection (Updated December 2015)
- 331 Service Dogs In Schools (Updated February 2022)
- 331-1 Parent Guardian Request for a Service Dog Form (August 2017)
- 331-2 Service Dog Planning Checklist (August 2017)
- 332 Therapy Dogs (August 2017)
- 332-1 School and Therapy Dog Handler Agreement (August 2017)
- 332-2 Therapy Dog Planning Checklist (August 2017)
- 339 Transferring, Lifting, Positioning, Repositioning (Updated May 2022)
- 340 Attendance of Students (Updated September 2022)
- 340 Appendix A - Attendance Flowcharts (Updated September 2022)
- 340 Appendix B - Enrollment and Withdrawal Key (NEW September 2022)
- 340-1 Student Attendance Monitoring and School Interventions (Updated September 2022)
- 340-2 Attendance Contact Documentation Form (February 2016)
- 341 Suspensions or Expulsions (Updated May 2019)
- 341 Appendix A Flowchart - 1-3 Day Suspension (May 2019)
- 341 Appendix B Flowchart - 4-9 Day Suspension (May 2019)
- 341 Appendix C Flowchart - 10 Day Suspension (May 2019)
- 350 Code of Conduct (Updated December 2015)
- 351 Student Discipline (Updated June 2023)
- 352 Seclusion and Physical Restraint (updated August 2022)
- 353 Weapons (Updated December 2015)
- Please refer to the following APs for Tobacco and Vaping:
- 354 Drug/Alcohol/Substance-Use Intervention (Updated March 2023)
- 354 Appendix A Illegal Substance Use Flowchart (Updated June 2024)
- 354 Appendix B Substance Use Disorder Assessment (Updated March 2023)
- 354 Appendix C Addictions Referral Form (Updated October 2024)
- 355 Interviewing Students at School by Police (Updated June 2012)
- 356 Searches by School Authorities (Updated March 2019)
- 357 Damage to Property (Updated April 2018)
- 358 Use of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices in Schools (Updated June 2024)
- 359 Credit Recovery and Credit Extension (updated January 2022)
- 359-1 Form Credit Recovery Credit Extension Plan (December 1, 2021)
- 361 Student Progress and Placement (Updated September 2024)
- 361-1 Grade Retention (June 2024)
- 361-2 Grade Placement (Updated September 2024)
- 363 Student Led Conferences (Updated June 2017)
- 364 Early Years Evaluation (Updated June 2016)
- 370 Scholarships, Awards and Donations (Updated December 2015)
- 371 Graduation Commencement (Reviewed August 2015)
- 390 Student Appeals (August 2006)
- 400 Staff Recruitment and Selection (Updated November 2008)
- 400-1 Affidavit Respecting Criminal Record
- 400-2 Request for Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check (Updated January 2024)
- 400 Appendix Criminal Record Checks and Vulnerable Sector Checks (Updated January 2024)
- 401 Personnel Files (August 2006)
- 402 Maternity Paternity and Adoption Leaves (August 2006)
- 403 Leaves of Absence (Updated June 2011)
- 403-02 Request for Leave of Absence Transportation
- 403 Appendix A Annual Vacation Leave (Updated June 2016)
- 403 Appendix B Rest Periods (Updated August 2013)
- 404 Staff Member Substance Abuse (Updated January 2020)
- 405 Staff Redundancy (August 2006)
- 406 Staff Recognition (Updated January 2023)
- 407 Staff Resignations (August 2022)
- 408 Staff Job Abandonment (August 2006)
- 409 Home Based Work (Updated February 2025)
- 411 Professional Staff Job-Sharing or Part-Time Positions (Updated September 2006)
- 411-1 Part-Time Teacher Request for Additional Pay
- 412 Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff (Updated January 2025)
- 412-1 Teacher Supervision Pre-Observation (Updated September 2022)
- 412-2 Post Observation Reflection (Updated September 2022)
- 412-3 Teacher Professional Growth Plan (Updated September 2024)
- 412-4 Teacher Evaluation Report (Updated January 2024)
- 412-6 Indicators of Responsive Teaching Self Assessment (Updated January 2024)
- 413 Intensive Plan of Assistance for Professional Staff (Updated November 2019)
- 414 Teacher Accreditation (Reviewed November 2022)
- 414 Appendix GSSD Accreditation Process (November 2022)
- 415 Professional Staff Development (Updated April 2007)
- 415-2 Request for Leave of Absence Form
- 416 Staff Bereavement (January 2019)
- 417 Teachers on Loan Secondment (Updated December 2015)
- 418 Staff Members - Speakers and Consultants (Updated December 2015)
- 421 Leadership Evaluation (Updated September 2022)
- 421-1 Annual Professional Growth Plan for Leadership (Oct. 2021)
- 421-2 Leadership Performance Evaluation (Updated January 2024)
- 423 Acting Principal and Vice-Principal (Updated May 2022)
- 423-1 Principal Designate Timesheet
- 429 Indigenous Membership Citizenship Verification For Recruitment (New September 2024)
- 429 App A Indigenous Membership Citizenship Verification For Recruitment Types Of Approved Documents (New September 2024)
- 430 Paraprofessional Staff (August 2006)
- 431 Transfer of Professional Staff (Updated January 2020)
- 434 Noon Hour Supervision (Updated November 2023)
- 435 Performance, Development, Feedback Review - Support Staff (Updated November 2022)
- 435-1 General Evaluation Form (Updated June 2024)
- 435-2 Performance Improvement Plan (Updated October 2022)
- 435-3 Administrative Assistant Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 435-4 Caretaker Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 435-5 Educational Assistant Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 435-6 Library Technician Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 436 Support Staff Prof Development (Updated June 2016)
- 438 Certification of Staff (Updated March 2025)
- 439 Administrative Organizational Plan (Reviewed August 2015)
- 439-App Organizational Chart (updated December 2017)
- 450 Out Of Scope Salaries (Updated January 2024)
- 450-1 Out Of Scope Salary Application (Updated February 2024)
- 460 Duty to Accommodate (NEW September 2020)
- 460-1 MFAF Form
- 460-3 Family Status Accommodation Request Form
- 460-4 Verification of Illness Form
- 460-7 Workplace Accommodation (WAP) Plan Form
- 479 Supervision and Evaluation of Central Office Staff & Professional Service Providers (Updated November 2022)
- 479-1 Evaluation For Admin Council (Updated June 2024)
- 479-2 GSEC Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 479-3 GSEC Evaluation Report - Supervisor (Updated June 2024)
- 479-4 PSP Evaluation Report (Updated June 2024)
- 479-5 Annual Professional Growth Plan for PSP (Updated October 2022)
- 480 Substitute Teachers and Casual Support Staff (Updated December 2019)
- 497 Partnerships (Updated January 2024)
- 497-2 Partnership Code of Conduct Review and Declaration (Feb 2023)
- 498 Non-Teacher Coaches, Supervisors and Assistants (Updated August 2017)
- 500 Annual Division Budget (Updated April 2018)
- 501 School-Based Budgets (Updated April 2018)
- 501-1 School-Based Budget Summary
- 501 Appendix School-Based Budgets - Allocation Formula (Updated April 2023)
- 502 Accumulated Surplus (NEW September 2023)
- 504 Electrical Outlet Rental (Update December 2015)
- 505 Student Fees Non-Tuition (Updated April 2018)
- 506 Tuition Fees (Updated December 2015)
- 507 Tuition Fees for Resident Students (Updated December 2015)
- 510 Financial Accounting and Auditing (Updated April 2018)
- 511 Financial Information Reports (Updated April 2018)
- 512 Carry Over of Funds (Updated April 2018)
- 513 Payroll (Reviewed August 2017)
- 513 Appendix Overtime/Time-In-Lieu (Updated August 2019)
- 513 Appendix B Flex Time for Educational Assistants (Updated September 2024)
- 513-1 Time Sheet
- 513-2 Monthly Payroll Report
- 513-3 Substitute Month End Report
- 513-5 Support Staff Request for Additional Pay
- 513-6 Authorization for Immediate Substitute EA Support
- 513-7 Incident Reporting Form
- 513-8 Internal Secondment Form
- 513-9 Option of Time-In-Lieu
- 513-10 Support Staff Noon Hour Supervision Extra-Curricular Supervision Form (May 2024)
- 513-11 Teacher-Noon Hour Supervision Form (May 2024)
- 513-12 Pre-Authorization of Additional Hours (Updated April 2018)
- 514 Inventory (Updated April 2018)
- 515 Purchasing (Updated February 2023)
- 516 Petty Cash Funds (Updated April 2018)
- 516-1 Petty Cash Receipts
- 517 Reimbursement for Expenses (Updated January 2023)
- 517-1 Reimbursement of Expense Form (Updated November 2024)
- 518 Travel Allowances (Updated September 2022)
- 518 App Travel Allowances Non-Staff (Updated April 2018)
- 518-1 Travel Expense Claim Form - Updated February 2025
- 518-2 Travel Allowance Claim Form
- 519 Disposal of Property (Updated April 2018)
- 520 Fundraising Projects in School (Updated April 2018)
- 520-1 Fundraising Projects in Schools
- 521 Loans to School Community Councils (Updated April 2018)
- 525 Community Partnerships (Updated April 2018)
- 530 Insurance (Updated April 2018)
- 535 Tangible Capital Assets (Updated April 2018)
- 535 AppA Categorization of Assets (Reviewed August 2015)
- 535 AppB Thresholds and Useful Lives (Reviewed August 2015)
- 535 AppC Definitions (Reviewed August 2015)
- 535 AppD Capitalization Methods for Historical Costs (Reviewed August 2015)
- 540 Planning for School Facilities (Updated December 2015)
- 541 Names of Schools and Division Buildings (Updated April 2018)
- 542 Names for Special Locations (February 2019)
- 543 Facility and Grounds Maintenance (Updated April 2018)
- 544 Security of Buildings (Updated April 2018)
- 545 Chemical Management (Updated June 2016)
- 546 Environmental Considerations (August 2006)
- 547 Community Use of School Facilities (Reviewed August 2015)
- 547 App Community Use of School Facilities - Categories and Rental Rates (Updated August 2017)
- 547-1 GSSD School Facility Use Application - (updated Aug_2021)
- 547-2 Anne Portnuff Theatre Use Application (updated Aug_2021)
- 548 Loan of Equipment and/or Materials (updated March 2025)
- 548-1 Loan Request Form (NEW March 2025)
- 550 Transportation Safety (Updated January 2020)
- 551 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Bus Transportation of Students (Reviewed October 2007)
- 552 Transportation of Students in Private Vehicles (Updated October 2024)
- 552-1 Driver Information Form
- 552-2 Transportation of Students in Private Vehicles - Parent Consent Form (Updated October 2024)
- 553 Transportation of Ill or Injured Students (Updated April 2018)
- 554 Student Transportation Code of Conduct (Updated September 2020)
- 555 Fifteen-Passenger Vans (Updated January 2011)
- 556 Yard Service (March 2015)
- 557 GPS (Global Positioning Software) on School Buses (October 2014)
- 558 Fleet Vehicles (December 2023)
- 559 School Closure or Inclement Weather and Student Transportation (Updated January 2020)
- 561 Allowance In Lieu of Bus Service (Updated March 2023)
- 561-1 Allowance in Lieu of Bus Service Form (Updated March 2023)
Quick Forms
Job Descriptions
- Administrative Assistant (December 2011)
- After School Programmer (November 2007)
- Cafeteria Manager
- Centralized Librarian Receptionist
- Community School Coordinator
- Curriculum Consultant (January 2024)
- Digital Learning Consultant (January 2024)
- Food Services Assistant
- Indigenous Community Worker
- Indigenous Cultural Advocate (September 2024)
- Indigenous Student Success Lead
- Kici Anishinabek - Resident Elder (September 2024)
- Learning Leader
- Library Technician (April 2024)
- Noon Hour Supervisor
- Michif Early Language Leader
- Mobile Early Learning Community Developer
- Nutrition Worker
- Parent & Preschool Education Program Coordinator
- Parent & Preschool Education Program Teacher
- Prekindergarten Associate
- Principal
- Resource Distribution Technician
- Student Services Consultant (January 2024)
- Student Services-Educational Assistant (April 2024)
- Student Services-Music Support Aide
- Student Services-Occupational Therapist (December 2024)
- Student Services-Psychologist (December 2024)
- Student Services-Psychometrist (December 2024)
- Student Services-School Counsellor (December 2024)
- Student Services-Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant (December 2024)
- Student Services-Speech-Language Pathologist (December 2024)
- Student Services-Student Support Teacher
- Teacher